About Us
We’re a family owned company and we really care about your health. Our journey started years after watching Bobby, the middle of our 5 children, suffer with anxiety and stomach related health issues Medical tests revealed a diagnosis of IBS but in spite of taking prescription meds, Bobby’s issues prevailed.
One day in an effort to champion Bobby to health and happiness again, we hit the internet in search of an answer. There we learned about a condition called Leaky Gut, but dismissed it because the name scared us away. But the more we read, the more we learned that the very condition with that daunting name, Leaky Gut, was actually the answer we’d been praying for. We also learned that almost everyone has Leaky Gut, stomach pain or not.
So we decided that all of us were going to take a supplement to improve our gut heath. In search of the very best formula, we began sampling ingredients from existing gut health supplements and recording the results. We then hired a GMP certified U.S. laboratory to help us formulate the perfect gut health supplement with pharmaceutical grade ingredients.
The changes we experienced were nothing short of miraculous. In fact, we were shocked at the changes we experienced because none of us thought we had Leaky Gut to begin with! Our lives have been changed forever. Core Correct was born, and for those who choose a healthier gut, life will never be the same.