Our gut is the portal to our entire body because the small intestine filters what can and cannot enter our blood stream.
When intestinal permeability is present, bacteria and toxins can enter our bloodstream and our body reacts with all types of health issues.
The production of serotonin and melatonin can also be affected when intestinal permeability is present.
Most companies use Glutamine as the main ingredient in their gut health product. Core Correct uses
L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine, which is water soluble and more easily absorbed by the body.
Aloe Vera Leaf
Decreases irritation in the stomach and intestines*
Decreases irritation in the stomach and intestines*
Decreases intestinal permeability by building the integrity of the GI tract*
Protects the gut mucosal lining*
Soothes the intestinal tract*
DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Root Extract)
Contains anti-inflammatory properties that help heal the stomach lining*
Slippery Elm Bark
Increases mucus in digestive tract by stimulating nerves*
Marshmallow Root powder
Increases mucilage which helps with healthy elimination*
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)
Protects junctions in small intestines from passing particles*
Anti-inflammatory that helps heal the gut*
Zinc Carnosine
Enhances stomach mucosal defense and slows down inflammatory response*